Ruth Ellen Photography


Why Photos are also for the “Now” and not just for your Memories!

Posted on October 1, 2020 by Ruth Ellen Photography under Equine Photography

I have ridden since I was child and have owned a few horses in the past too.  Riding, mucking out, grooming, sweeping etc etc, is how I spent my childhood.  To say I loved every minute of it, would be a lie.  Cold, dark early mornings in winter were (and still are) tough. 

Owning a horse is hard work, takes hours out of your week, and can make money disappear from your bank account as if by magic!  But for some reason, you’re hooked.  That horse that pops it’s head out of the stable when they hear you coming, trots over to the gate when they see you, tries so hard for you when you take them to a show or is just simply your best friend that you spend endless hours chatting away with!

Even so, some days it’s easy to get bogged down in the hard work and relentless routine and forget why we continue to do it, especially during winter or a bad day in the office (by that I mean, a show, training session or general horse care duties).

But what if you had a beautiful photo, displayed elegantly in your home that you saw every day, of the two of you together, that summed up your wonderful relationship, that put a smile on your face every time you saw it and made you remember just how great they really are and why you do it.