Ruth Ellen Photography


Spring is nearly here!

Posted on February 22, 2019 by Ruth Ellen Photography under Equine Photography

It’s that time of year when all horse owners start to get a little excited! Signs of Spring have started, the days are getting noticeably longer which means evening hacks (yey) and your horse is starting to moult!

I remember as a kid using a Unigroom when my hairy New Forest pony was moulting, getting covered in his hair and feeling like it was never going to end!

If you are looking to book an equine portrait session, you obviously want your horse looking their best, so make sure you plan for it either before your horse starts moulting or when their summer coat has fully arrived.

There are so many little details that can make such a difference to the final images from an equine portrait session. That’s why, as part of your booking, you will also receive a Welcome Pack which includes lots of tips and a styling guide, so you can make the most of your session.