Ruth Ellen Photography


It’s all Rush, Rush, Rush!

Posted on August 21, 2019 by Ruth Ellen Photography under Equine Photography

I am constantly hearing how we have become a nation of rushers, rushing around trying to get everyone done NOW and we want everything, NOW! If someone asks how we are doing, if we are not busy, rushing, stressed or exhausted, then we feel we are not doing enough.

Owning a horse, can be hard work, takes a lot of hours out of your day and sometimes you get so caught up in just getting things done, you forget why you are doing it! We want results fast, because we don’t have time to wait, as that is just wasting time when we have so much to do!

Equine Photography, Horse and Owner Portrait with Equine Photographer, Ruth Ellen Photography

Sometimes, you just need to stop, take some time out and evaluate. Why are you doing it and what is really important.

I know when you own a horse, just how important they are to you. You may think having an equine portrait session is just too time consuming and too much hassle, especially when you are so busy and regularly taking photos of them on your phone anyway. It’s just not necessary, right?!?

My question is, how many of the images you have taken, do you want to print, put in a frame and display somewhere to remind you everyday, why you do it? How many of these images will remind you in 10, 20, 30+ years just how important they were to you, will show your bond or remind you of this time of your life and will be around for future generations to see.

Printing gorgeous images is an absolute must for me, which is why I now include a frame as standard with my equine portrait sessions. People can always admire wall art, but images stored digitally can easily be forgotten about and lost for future memories and generations (although it’s always good to have a digital back up too).

How much pleasure, have you had from looking at parents and grandparents old photos that are eventually passed down the generations? How do you plan to pass down your digital images and if you do, will anyone be interested enough to make an effort to look at them? Sometimes, we need just a little something to spark our interest to have look. Like when we are having a clear out and come across an old album or box of photos. We start having a look through and reminiscing about the old times!

Will coming across a USB or external hard drive have the same effect (and will it still work)? And don’t forget, if you store everything online in personal accounts, who will have access to this when you have passed away or even know it exists?

Equine Photography, Horse and Owner Portrait with Equine Photographer, Ruth Ellen Photography, Blindaj Billy aka Black Beauty

In the last few years I reckon we take more photos now than ever before, but because they are so easy (and free) to take, we flippantly do it, without much thought as to why! Sometimes we may even do it more for the instant reaction on social media, rather than for our future selves and family. Don’t let these memories be lost for our families and future generations.

Treat yourself, take some much deserved time out of your busy schedule and book an equine portrait session with an Equine Portrait Photographer who understands & is experienced around horses, knows just how special they are to you and knows when they look their best. In return your future self and generations will thank you for it. Sometimes, photos aren’t just for the now!